Our Partners and Coalition Members

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The Center for Urban Youth and Family Development

Through our three-pronged approach of working with foster youth, health care advocacy, and community activism; we envisage strong and healthy communities governed by good public policies, which are not only essential for youth transitioning from foster care to flourish, but for all youth transitioning into adulthood. - Lead Agency


Detroit Association Black Organizations

DABO administers a number of programs and services that address a wide array of community issues including teen pregnancy, substance abuse, hunger, poverty and more.


The Youth Connection

The Youth Connection is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Southeast Michigan connecting youth to a brighter future. They are committed to providing high-quality youth programs, advocacy and supportive services.


Changing Lives and Staying Sober

CLASS engages in prevention services that include the use of evidence-based models and health promotion strategies to engage the community, increase awareness and to inspire healthy lifestyle, behavioral and environmental change. CLASS also does substance abuse treatment, and DUI/Risk Reduction initiatives..



Coalition Members

Detroit Public Schools - Hope Gibson

Wayne County Sheriffs Office - Sheriff Raphael Washington

AAA of Michigan - Jason Allen

Detroit City Council - Mary Sheffield

Hartford Memorial Baptist Church - Rev. Christian Adams